
Soul's Intuition from the Heart

Transtition and Flower Essences


Blessings be dear one.

And welcome -once more a new season is starting – and this season has the potential to be of such joy, not just to you but to others around you. You are indeed all in a period of change and of transition and it becomes more and more important to hold your focus to this and what it is you are choosing to create.

But you know this, we are telling you nothing new here.

What we would say to you is to make use of the energetic medicines that are available to you at this time. Particularly the flower essences. These are all around you – and freely available.

Each of the flowers coming through in its particular season links you more strongly with the energy of the transition that is happening around you. Not just to yourself – but on the planet. Everything you need is held in the energy fields around you. Your challenge is to link with these and to bring these into physical reality – or vibrations that you can use. If the flower essence that you are drawn to doesn’t exist on the shelves – make it. Connect with the flower in meditation. Find those who are making them and ask them to create this particular essence for you. Everything is right there, at your fingertips – reach out and connect with the energy of this beautiful planet on which you currently live. She is going through this transition and this change just as you are. Is it any surprise then that the energies you are in need of to make this transition smoothly, joyfully and easy would be held within the structures around you? All your needs are ALWAYS being constantly met – it is simply whether you can choose to move into a harmony with this and an allowing of those needs to be met. Whether you can align yourself with the energy of joy and bliss that is around you.

We wish you much joy, and love in the season that is coming in. Will you step up to receiving this in greater abundance, honouring who you truly are? Or will you turn away, engaging in the fear – in the drama of that fear? Can you allow yourselves the potential of fully embodying spirit and soul in the physical body – love, joy, abundance, bliss – whilst still recognising the fears – and walking through them? The flowers offer you tools to support this – all you need to do at this time is to reach out and connect with them…

2011/05/01 - Posted by | Soul Speaking

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